What Does Katherine Do?


A Head of Engineering was being performance managed because the way he communicated was disruptive and demotivated the rest of the team. They were considering whether he was worth keeping in the business despite being very talented. Working with an external coach was the last step they were prepared to take before letting him go.

The problem in more detail

  • He couldn’t read other people’s body language or facial expressions easily so would imagine what they were thinking and feeling based on what he thought and felt
  • He hated being put on the spot without having time to think through his answers and wouldn’t answer or talk on the phone, would only communicate via email
  • He would inadvertently upset people and would not know how to build bridges and make it up to them.

At the end of 6 sessions

  • He became consciously aware of how he thought and spoke.
  • He learnt how to speak to get people on to his wave length.
  • He learnt to listen carefully and pause before speaking to see if the other person was going to say anything else before he continues.
  • He uses non-confrontational words like “I suggest we do this, what do you think?”
  • He is less anxious when answering the phone and being put on the spot and has learnt how to buy some time
  • He has learnt to build rapport with new people in his team and how to re-build relationships if he upsets people.

Feedback from Customer

“Working with Katherine increased my awareness about my own nature and motivations, and about my dealings with other people. I found myself spotting changes in my communication patterns and improvements in the way I was able to influence others after the coaching sessions - without having to remember to put in conscious effort! I am now happier seeking out the individuality of others, appreciating their particular talents and finding some common ground on which to collaborate with them. This has been a lasting effect which my director and others have remarked on.”